#01 of #11 #TheWeeklyReport #withKediboneMulaudzi
So Rakgadi saved Sundowns from the embarrassment after claiming to have won the league before playing and the written off Baroka FC fixed the country and made sure whatever plans Sundowns had ended in tears. #KediboneKomedy @KediboneKomedy #Rakgadi

#02 of #11 #TheWeeklyReport #withKediboneMulaudzi
In Covid News Stats. Most people don’t care anymore about the stats man. I know because people use their mask to cover their beard and chins. Whats’ the point? You might as well wear your shoes on your hands. “Nja yami why u qoke I bandage e nyaweni?” asks Kedibone Mulaudzi. “Eish Mulaudzi ngi hlajwe yi bodlela angithi mina ngi qoka iqathulo ezandleni.” Answered a kasi boy. #KediboneKomedy @KediboneKomedy #Covid19 #CoronaVirus

#03 of #11 #TheWeeklyReport #withKediboneMulaudzi
Moving on. Black Coffee, who has recently released a new woman, was seen in Germany wearing Air Jordan limited sneakers worth R170 000. (Please don’t tell his ex-wife Mbali for obvious reaosns.) I bet you some guy from Soweto is saying What? R170 000 for one pair of shoes. With that money I can buy me 356 pairs of shoes and wear a different shoe each day of the year. Aaaaa Authi why are you spoiling Black Coffe’s Day. This is not the platform to raise such ideas. Levele papa. Levels. #KediboneKomedy @KediboneKomedy #BlackCoffee #AirJordan #Mbali

04 of #11 #TheWeeklyReport #withKediboneMulaudzi
Still on shoes. As usual Black Twitter made fun of another black child. They laughed at minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, for wearing shoes worth R1000. Tito responded by asking why is black twitter not laughing at President Cyril Ramabosa’s R500 shoes. Tito you are a snitch! “A uya kwini wena? Famba iya Tamba, ihi tshika hina.” #KediboneKomedy @KediboneKomedy #TitoMboweni #CyrilRamaphosa

05 of #11 #TheWeeklyReport #withKediboneMulaudzi
Still on shoes Cassper Nyovest bought his unborn son baby Nike sneaker worth R1600. Ncooo that is so cute. Nana wa papa wil wear shoes that cost more that Finance Minister and President ‘s shoes combined. He is not even born yet. Comrades Mboweni and Ramaphosa you are embarrassing us. Get your act together. #KediboneKomedy @KediboneKomedy #CassperNyovest #Casspersson

#06 of #11 #TheWeeklyReport #withKediboneMulaudzi
Trevor Noah was seen wearing a watch worth R 4 million. I bet you some guy from Soweto is saying What? R4 Millions for a watch. With that money I can buy me all the watches at China City in Pretoria, China City in Johannesburg, China City in Midrand, all China Cities in South Africa. As a matter of fact I can all watches in China. “Aaaaa Authi why are you this guy? You really need to watch your words. See what I did there. Watch your words!! Aaaah c’mon guys. That’s funny. I am talking about watches and I said… never mind.” #KediboneKomedy @KediboneKomedy #TrevorNoah #TrevorNoahWatch

#07 of #11 #TheWeeklyReport #withKediboneMulaudzi
Aka has called himself the greatest rapper in South South Africa dead or alive. Cassper couldn’t respond because he is 7th biggest Amapiano artist alive in the country. Jokes aside though, it’s funny how AKA’s claim of being the greatest rapper in SA happens at the same week the booze ban was lifted. Yep he was probably drunk when he said that. #KediboneKomedy @KediboneKomedy #AKA #BestRapperAlive

#08 of #11 #TheWeeklyReport #withKediboneMulaudzi
The bible in heaven you will have everything you’re your heart desires. Its trues Odwa KK Matshaya a dead business man from East London received a Covid-19 Tender worth 1 million rand from the Eastern Cape Provincial Government. Wow the government never disappoints. #KediboneKomedy @KediboneKomedy #DeadManWinsPPETender #VoetsekANC

#09 of #11 #TheWeeklyReport #withKediboneMulaudzi
Somizi might as well be a shareholder at DSTV. He has 4 shows at the channel. Idols, his wedding special, his reality show and now the cooking show. If he doesn’t have shares he must use the money they paid you for the 4 shows plus his Metro fm salary to buy shares. It would be funny when a new Somizi rocks up and the real Somizi has nothing to show for his stay at DSTV. Talking about Somizi, So Jub Jub was at Somiz’s Mhlongo’s Dinner at Somizi. He claimed when he got out of prison no one booked him and no one took his calls. I beg to differ, “Dawg didn’t we book you for Royal Heritage Festival in Venda in 2017? You were the surprise artist at the show, So jublamaswid singa jwayelani please. You don’t have files on us so we are not scared of you dawg. TK Nciza I scared of you not us.” So TK said Uyajola 99 is fake and Jub Jub told him to shut up and sit down and that’s what TK did. Apparently JubJub has files on TK Nciza, who recently got divorced from his ex-wife Nhlahla Nciza. So Jub Jub “Why did they break up? Khipha amafiles baba!!” #KediboneKomedy @KediboneKomedy #Somizi #SomiziMhlongo #JubJub #Uyajola99 #OpenTheIndustry

#10 of #11 #TheWeeklyReport #withKediboneMulaudzi #KediboneKomedy
South African girls are doing big in the world. Elaine the South African R&B sensation juts got signed by Columbia Record, Nomzamo Mbatha is currently shooting the movie Coming to America 2 and Zodwa wa Bantu is about to open applications for another Ben-10 she wants to sleep with as the other Ben -10 Vusi has run away and apparently bought an Audi with Zodwa’s money. South African women are doing it big man..

#11 of #11 #TheWeeklyReport #withKediboneMulaudzi
And lastly congratulations to Tira for winning the best Kwaito at the Samas recently. It’s been a long 22 year old wait. There is probably a 22 year old who was born and got married and had kids in the last 22 years. Same time you waited for your Sama. Congrats Makoya bearing! #KediboneKomedy @KediboneKomedy #DTira #Tira #SAMAS #DJTiraBirthday

Kedibone Mulaudzi is a professional comedian who is available to provide his comedy services to you. For comedy bookings for weddings, work functions and other events please mail nubreedcomedy2@gmail.com or call 0724257155
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