South Africans seem to be receiving the short of end of a very large stick by artist Ayanda Mabulu paintings. The portrait of President of South Africa Jacob “Gedleyihlekisa” Zuma, Gedleyihlekisa… translation (“The one who laughs at you while physically hurting you”).
The series of paintings of South Africa’s President “Gedleyihlekisa” Zuma, one with his genitalia hanging out to dry after some exasperating s*xually acts with Bolly-business Saxonwold seductress Atul Gupta.
The climax of Ayanda Mabulu’s explosive painting has led to debates whether Freedom of expression supersedes President Gedleyihlekisa Zuma human rights?
Divided public sentiments as others strongly feel the painting accurately captures President Gedleyihlekisa unending looting of public funds. However an impassioned audience perceive the painting as a distasteful and disrespectful imagery of “baba” a term of endearment like “Big Daddy/Big Pop-pa” for President Zuma.
The sword fight between Ayanda Mabulu and President Zuma seems unrelenting. I still don’t know if the paint brush proves mightier than President Gedleyihlekisa Zuma’s sword?
One thing for sure the artist, Ayanda Mabulu definitely has balls made of adamantium.
Staff Writer
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