Having to throw out a trusty pair of sneakers because of wear and tear can be a downer – here’s how to make sure your sneakers last in the long run. If you’re a sneaker lover, then you’ll understand the bond one can have with each pair of sneakers you invest in. But not everything is built to last, and having to let go of one of your favourite pairs because they’re worn out can feel like a major loss.
However, there are ways to stretch the lifespan of your sneakers. Here’s how to make them go the extra mile.
Change the way you take them off
Believe it or not, there’s a proper way to take your shoes off. Stepping on the heel of your sneakers to remove them, having not undone the laces, reduces their lifespan. So rather take the extra two seconds to undo your laces before taking your shoes off to keep them from losing shape over time.
Don’t over-wear them
You know that favourite pair of sneakers you’re always wearing – the one all your friends are asking you to give a break? Over-wearing your sneakers is one of the quickest ways to wear them out, so be more conscious of alternating between your shoes.
Pack them away neatly
Many of us have a bad habit of chucking our sneakers at the bottom of the cupboard. Not only does this accelerate the rate at which they get dirty, but it decreases the lifespan of your shoes. Try to keep them in their boxes and place them side by side – it will pay off in the long run.
Newspaper technique
If you’re caught in a downpour, don’t leave your shoes out to dry. As soon as you get home, stuff your wet shoes with newspaper and leave them in a well-ventilated area. The newspaper quickly soaks up the moisture and dries your shoes. Never use a hair dryer or put your shoes near a heater to dry them as this damages them over time.
Additional source: Shape
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