Award-winning comedian Khanyisa Bunu is one of eight talents performing at the Kings and Queens Comedy extravaganza which takes place on Saturday, February 10, at the Sun Arena. The lineup includes Riaad Moosa as the MC; Leeanda Reddy, Donovan Goliath, Jason Goliath, Casper de Vries, Marc Lottering, Sifiso Nene and Marc Lottering.
Bunu used to be a high school Georgraphy and English teacher, but moved to Johannesburg 10 years ago to follow her comedy dream.
“I became a comedian after my friends told me I am funny. There was a competition on SABC 1 in 2009, called So You Think You are Funny. I went all the way to the top six. That is when I realised I was funny.”
She says while she enjoyed her teaching experience, she wanted more.
“I enjoyed working with the learners back home but I used to feel that something is missing. I needed to do something more.”
Click on the link below to hear about one the funniest moments in her career…
Source: 702
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