You can’t cancel someone who had genuinely built their house from the ground up. Yes there are challenges, but should the challenges be the reason why he should get cancelled? MacG has at least 100 episodes and most of them are great content and they build brands of the artist being interviewed.
Yes let’s fix what needs to be fixed but canceling the show is not a solution and won’t happen. We will continue watching the #PodcastAndChill and give him constructive Criticism.
And Those that want him cancelled because of the one or two episodes should be allowed to do so. I am for one won’t cancel him but I will give him constructive Criticism and advice him on what he should change so #podcastandchillwithmacg Can be build into a big, black powerful Broadcaster.
This is simple, the so called sponsors who are apparently pullling out and not helping solve the changes within the show should happily do so if that what’s they want and We should also be allowed to continue supporting the show and building a black company. I am about building us and not destroying us. (please go watch most episode to see the point I am making) Ndaa.
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