Comedy Central presents Comedians in Quarantine, an innovative new format that will debut on Comedy Central Africa’s YouTube, Instagram and Facebook in August. The series will give viewers a humorous take on how some of Africa’s most beloved comedians have been coping with being in quarantine and lockdown. The series will feature both established and upcoming comedians including Barry Hilton, Schalk Bezuidenhout, David Kau, Elsa Majimbo and Coconut Kelz.
Keeping Busy In Quarantine with Coconut Kelz | Comedians In Quarantine
Whats your take on the current state of SA comedy?
I don’t know what the current state of comedy is lol. I honestly don’t know enough about the industry or other comedians to answer this truthfully. I assume everyone is taking the digital covid-lution on as best as possible and making dope content.
Comedians don’t have income at the moment, what needs to be done?
Social media is your best friend. People should keep showcasing their skill and humour. Also approach brands they want to work with and send proposals. Things have become digitalized and the people I follow and enjoy have been working (probably more than ever) through brand collaborations and zoom performances and virtual comedy clubs.
How is your company surviving since it play in the comedy space?
My work has always had its spotlight on digital platforms so this time has been a continuation for me of before covid. I’ve been extremely lucky in that regard.
With Covid, what the future holds for SA comedy?
See answer 2
What are your thoughts on digital technology and how can it be utilised as a medium?
Well, all my work is because I embraced digital technology to the best of my ability. For me, it’s the best way to showcase yourself and your talents. It’s easy to share and stays there for as long as you want it to so it’s really important a tool to embrace and use to launch other work. Especially now. Channels like Comedy Central with Comedians in Quarantine and their CC Seen it are also helping shine a spotlight on African comedians and provide an amazing platform so that’s a for amazing.
What is your advice to comedians who are going through hard time?
Keep using social media as the tool it was meant to be. I’m struggling to fully grasp TikTok (my age is showing) but I’m trying to just have fun online to showcase myself for work but also as a way of not falling into the pandemic depression that comes with all this fuckery that’s happened this year.
How has your family taken to you being a full-time creative? I’ve been a full time creative and creator my whole life so it’s nothing new to them. They love that it’s getting the love and attention they think I deserve and my parents probably love that I’m making money lol. They have really been seeing what it takes to do what I do on a day to day basis and really respect the bravery it takes to put yourself out there as well as the passion and hard, hard work. What is your typical day like and has the Global Pandemic impacted your schedule?I don’t ever have a typical day. My days and weeks are so hectic and so different. Lately they include a lot of zoom meetings and then some shoots for brand collaboration and then when there’s time, some Kelz content for my Instagram or for Comedy Central and me hosting an Instagram talk show on my personal page. What do you think is the role of “creatives” in the world?There are different roles and it’s dependent on the creative. It’s a very personal question that doesn’t have one model answer. For me, my aim is to spark important conversations, make people aware of issues affecting (especially-but-not-limited-to) black people, and obviously to entertain and make people smile and laugh. You have done that with your work, how has been the reception?It’s been really amazing. In general people are really positive and kind. You get a group who doesn’t get it and it is what it is and then you get a tiny group who live their lives looking for people to bully and that’s really a pity. But overall this has been the best thing I’ve ever done. I’m living my dream life, and putting out the messages and conversations I was born to convey. And the support is the cherry on top. How do you relax during lockdown? Relax? What’s that? |
What does creativity mean to you? Freedom |
How can our platform (NoJokesComedy) can be used to grow the industry?
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