Netflix is bringing together 47 comedians from 13 regions in an unprecedented stand-up comedy event series premiering in 2019. Local comedians Loyiso Gola, Loyiso Madinga, Tumi Morake & Riaad Moosa were lucky — or rather funny — enough to make the international line-up.
Each comedian will perform a half-hour stand-up special, some of which will be recorded at the upcoming Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal, with sets also being taped in Brazil, Mexico, India, Germany and The Netherlands. All episodes will be released at once.
“Few things are better than discovering a new comedian you love,” said Lisa Nishimura, VP, Original Documentary and Comedy, Netflix. “With this event, we’re creating a true comedy festival experience for our members where they can scour the globe from home to find some of the freshest voices in comedy.”
Netflix – Specials Live!!! Congratulations @loyisogola on your speacial.
— NoJokesComedy.CO.ZA (@NoJokesComedy) July 12, 2018
The groundbreaking event series will feature a range of stand-up specials from comedians diverse in style, gender, and ethnicity.
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