The Queen of Comedy Tumi Morake’s late night show #WTFTumi on SABC3 is paying it forward by calling all the young and upcoming comedians to submit their best COMEDY work with a hope of making a final cut and to appear on the show. This is a great opportunity to get exposure and we encourage all upcoming comics to be part of this initiatives.
“calling all upcoming comedians 📣 Show off your talents by emailing us a short clip of yourself performing 1 of your best comedy skits to & you could see yourself appear LIVE on #WTFTumi.”
Calling all upcoming comedians 📣
Show off your talents by emailing us a short clip of yourself performing 1 of your best comedy skits to & you could see yourself appear LIVE on #WTFTumi.
So what’s your #WTF?
Ours “Who’s The Funniest” 😂— #WTFTumi (@wtftumi) May 30, 2018
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