“The Daily Show took quite an uncomfortable turn Thursday night when magician David Blaine brought a “gift” for Trevor Noah. Blaine began by hinting at doing something “crazy” on Noah’s show and asked the host if he’d rather see a trick involving a “four-digit code” or an “ice pick.”
And let’s just say… Blaine was prepared to do the ice pick trick.
Blaine had Noah “check it” to make sure that the ice pick was real. The magician when pulled out an alcohol wipe and cleaned off both sides of his left hand. He then told Noah that people often accuse him of having a “tunnel” and in order to debunk such a theory, Blaine asked him to “pick the spot.”
Noah then proceeded and found a spot. And Blaine immediately pressed the ice pick into his own hand, which to no surprised freaked out Noah and his audience. And to show the authenticity of the… um… “trick,” Blaine flipped his hand and pushed the ice pick further in so that it can be seen on the other side and had Noah push it until it punctured through the other side.
“Trevor, this is for you to keep,” Blaine said. “So could you just pull that out?”
And well… he did.”
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