Idris Elba will star in “In the Long Run,” a comedy series for Sky that “The Dark Tower” star created and that is loosely based on his own childhood. Set in 1980s London, the series will follow the Easmon family, which has settled in England after having arrived from Sierra Leone a decade earlier. Elba will play Walter, the father, who works in the local factory alongside friend and neighbor Bagpipes, played by Bill Bailey. The Easmons’ son, Akuna, hangs out in the housing project where the family lives, playing soccer and dodging the local thugs. The family’s life is turned upside down when Walter’s brother Valentine arrives in the U.K., bringing chaos in his wake and igniting a passion for music in Akuna. “I’m really happy to be in comedy, bringing some joy into a world that needs some laughs,” Elba said. “With a great team behind it I look forward to people seeing it. “
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